Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oops, did I say that?

I was in the car the other day with my girls and I called someone an idiot. Bailey said,"Mom, what's an idiot?" I did not want her to know that I was saying something that wasn't very nice about someone so I decided to lie to her(that makes it better right?!) and tell her that an idiot was a very nice person. She reached over and pat Brynley on the head and said,"Hello little idiot!" Boy did I learn my lesson!


The Bonham Family said...

Ok, that is funny! Totally lesson learned! We want to do a date night with you and Davie boy soon.

Natallee said...

This is soooo funny! Kids are really perceptive - and it doesn't take long to relaize that they hear everything! Bailey is a doll!!

Beth and Shilo said...

Ha Ha that is the funniest story ever. Now see is going to go around calling everyone an idiot.

Oh kids are the greatest!!

cristelle amber said...

oh jamie, that is too funny! i can't wait to hear her call ella an idiot!

the Roberson family said...

That is the best laugh I've had all day. Thanks for sharing.

winston and jillyn egan said...

She is such a princess and I love her new bangs! Maybe they aren't new it's just been forever since we have seen you guys! Anyway funny'll have to write that one down for the future.

Courtnie said...

Very funny Jaime! I could just picture it all happening in my mind! BTW, when are you coming over?! I miss you!!! I also am counting down the days until January. . .

Heather said...

That is too funny!! Oh man, kids! We should really get together soon, you should come to our playdates.