Thursday, July 17, 2008

Beautiful Bride(someday!)

Bailey has been begging to try my wedding dress on for about a year now. After some convincing I decided that it did not matter if it gets dirty or wrinkled since I won't be wearing it again so I gave in and let her try it on. She sure thought that she was something special and she had posing for pictures down to an art! I guess that she learned well from her aunt Jenna.


Nat and Jordy said...

Hi sweetie! Your blog is darling! I love that Bailey is trying on your dress. I did the same thing when I was her ago. Playing wedding was the best!

Heather said...

So cute!! Isn't it weird to think she really will get married someday? It was so fun to run into you at Nordstrom, we need to get together again :)

cristelle amber said...

i love it! and i loved that you were going down memory lane in it yourself. LOL

the Roberson family said...

that is the cutest thing ever! I don't have my wedding dress... but hopefully my little boys would never beg me to wear it anyway!!

Staci said...

I found your blog from Ali's! Bailey looks SO adorable! I'll have to let Rachel try on my dress sometime! So fun to see your cute family! I'm going to add you to my list. My blog is And SO fun seeing you at lunch the other day! Thanks for coming! That meant a lot to me!