Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's all fun and games till someone gets sick!

Our friends the Bonners invited us to go flying with them this past weekend. It was really fun. I was really nervous so I tried acting as dorky as possible before we took off(excuse the pictures). It comes naturally! It was really neat because we could fly a lot lower than a commercial plane so we were able to see things a lot closer. We flew over Provo canyon and saw the beautiful leaves and we were having a great time talking to one another threw our headsets. And then the turbulence got to me. Let's just say that I felt bad for the other 3 people who were sitting all to close to me as I barried my head in a "sic sac"! Sorry guys!


winston and jillyn egan said...

Oh you poor thing...you still look steller rocking those ear phone muff things. We need to get together...soon. We always say that but lets do it. Is hunting over???

Courtnie said...

Oh man! Jaime, that is the pits!

stacie said...

No, it's what made the trip memorable. Weird, I thought the happy little elves on the "sic-sac" were supposed to make you not throw up...

stacie said...

Whatever happened to that "sic-sac" anyway???

Natallee said...

I am sorry you got sick- but man- that is so cool!!!

Ashley E said...

That is so funny Jaime...Bummer you got sick but still kinda funny. Sounds like so much fun though.

And they lived happily ever after... said...

You look so great-even if you feel sick! And it's nice to see you- even if it has to be thru your blog!!

David James said...

Praise the Lord

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