Friday, June 5, 2009

Jeff's Home!!!

My little brother Jeff got home from his mission on Wednesday! It was so good to see him. It is so weird that he had never met Brynley or my sister's husband Dusty until now. He asked me if that is Brynley's real hair color because he was surprised that it is so light! Welcome home Jeff! We love you and are proud of you.


Courtnie said...

How exciting! I can't wait until Garrett comes home. So great! He'll be coming home to 6 new nieces and nephews though. . .ha ha!

The Goffs said...

OH that is so great! He's so cute! & so big! HOLY CRAP!!! IS THAT JARED????? Standing next to Jeff???? HE"S HUGE!!!!!!! Crazy! & By the way- I LOVE BAILEY's hair cut!!!

winston and jillyn egan said...

Ahh he is so dang cute! I don't remember him being so good looking:) That's awesome! And I love Baileys bob. That's so cute.

jennie said...

I love missionary homecoming pictures!! They are so fun to look at!! Very exciting!